Man is psychologically androgenous Animus and Anima again) his psyche contains within it heaven and earth. that is wisdom and beauty or thought and love. Yet these poles are constantly in conflict with each other. Man cannot be truly mature and realize the best that is with- in himself until he is able to integrate and make peace within himself between these warring factions. His true maturity and evolution cannot be achieved except thru the interaction and cooperation of these two phases of existance. Women are aiding this development greatly because they are acquiring in addition to their beauty emotion-love (Anima) outlook, the wisdom, thought- reason (Animus) abilities long the exclusive province of the male by going to school and learning the complexi- ties of science, mathmatics, economics, government, law, medicine, etc. They are thereby acquiring a new set of tools to handle their battle of life. But the male on the other hand is so very disdainful of the emotional content the feeling side of life that far from investigation and acquiring some knowledge of it he denies and degrades it as an inferior method of dealing with existance. The average man ignores or denies the Anima within himself, shows little sympathy or empathy (feeling for and feel- ing with others). In fact, present day cultures indicate that the highest and most noble condition of masculinity consists of fighting a war to protect home and family. In reality the male's lack of emotional insight is one of the world's greatest problems. Whereas women are build- ing wisdom into their emotional life men are not doing much in the way of tempering reason with feeling. This results in a lack of communication between the sexes. The famous "war of the sexes" is in reality almost com- plete ignorance each of the other due to our fetish for disparity and divergence instead of co-ordination, operation and unity. By and large men do not have a deep and abiding appreciation of beauty and women are not interested in discipline and precision, yet many of these aspects of existance are valuable and would con- tribute to the maturity of both sexes if their attitudes were open and receptive.
Yet the emotional content of a man cannot be denied totally even tho he pretends to be realy wise, a man must love someone greately, and that someone is usually Through her he can supplement his own lacks 82
a woman.